Five Embarassing Things πŸ˜«πŸ˜«πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

eermmm, uh..

I am not too well today😒😒  but i’m pumped up enough to write something for you guys.They say sharing is caring. I care so i’d like to share a few thoughts with you guys on FIVE SO-CALLED EMBARRASSING THINGS you should feel free to do in front of your partner. Personally, there is not a thing i can’t do in front of Eyram(i’m not even joking) I’m as me as i can be in my room. So let me quickly share with you. I feel like this post is one of em really long ones(you better read everything before i come and catch you overthere)


So the first is SNORING;

Guys, guys… So you want to tell me you won’t sleep because you snore(una dey craze abi?) My friend, snoring is a normal thing(i mean in the world of those who snore). If you snore, don’t be shy to sleep in front of your partner o. Don’t! I mean, after all, when you two get married, won’t you be in the same bed? Abeg oo, let me ask, won’t it be the same you? πŸ˜†πŸ˜† 


 Charley,if you are sleepy and you are around your partner, SLEEP! Infact sleep and snore! Don’t let shyness deprive you of sweet sleep.If your partner hates the fact that you snore and they are not helping you find a remedy,please look elsewhere(yes, i said it, comman beat me). Tso. 😁You should be nice enough to know what to do when you have a snoring partner.Help by changing their sleeping position or something. Oh boy, do something! Don’t just get out of the room because she is snoring.Learn to be nice to your beloved. Its part of loving them for who they yeah, this is number one o. Abeg, feel free to snore h)) h)) h)) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚and don’t even feel bad *abourit.

Number 2 – CRYING


I am very sure everyone of you knows what crying is(no need to define that)

It is completely okay for you to cry in front of your partner(both men and women)Yes,men cry too😭😭😭. They cry ma ma maa .Charley, be vunerable in front of your partner where need be.Not everyday hard guy or hard girl,sometimes let everything go.let go of yourself.Let your tears flow.
One thing i have personally noticed about crying is it makes me feel better.(i dunno about you but that’s just me)If it makes you feel better, then its okay and i dont see why you should be acting hard in front of your partner. Show them sides of you no one else sees.Cry in front of them.Allow them comfort you.Its nice to be comforted in times when you feel all is yes, i think its perfectly okay and unembarrassing(that’s not a real word though) to cry in front of your beloved. Do it(LOL).Just do it.

Number 3… 

This is probably the most fun one – FARTINGπŸ™ŠπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

No!,come on.. Tell me why its sooo hard for you to fart in front of your partner. Please share with me under this post.Like make me understand, please.I beg you, help me out.
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ LMAO. See, i don’t even want to share my personal experiences on this topic so lets keep it at this. I don’t fart though(πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†)  but if i did i’m sure i’d do in front of my partner without thinking about it. Hunnay, why can’t you fart?(πŸ˜†πŸ˜«)  See the way you are seated there like everything is okay.Deep down your heart, you know you want to fart but because Bae is there you are shy. Why are you shy? Why are you sooo uptight? Why can’t you let all that bad air go? You are shy?(no, you are mad πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š)  


Here is the thing.. When you two get married, will you run to the bathroom always just to fart?? Can you do that forever? You know what they say.. Practise makes perfect so you better start now. Let your partner get used to the idea before you two get togother finally. Fine girls, please fart. Its free. 


Gentleman , you look really uncomfortable .Please let all that bad air go. Its okay(gently taps your back) Its okay.Eii if you cant fart in front of Bae, what else can you do? There is nothing as fun as entering a farting competition with bae, i heard. Good evening.πŸ˜†




They say its unpleasant but trust me we all do it.Sometimes we pick our noses before we even realise the need to use a handky or a shouldn’t be a big deal like that.Pick your nose anytime, with or without a hanky in front of Bae.You are allowed. 😊 Whose partner is it again?! YOURS! So please, feel free!

Finally, i would have said MOAN but no; that’s a topic for another day πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Fifth is – SNORTING

i sure say you people no sabi the word so (flips dictionary pages)
Please eh, find the meaning and don’t stop doing that if you already do it.
I taya. I might write tomorrow too.Lets see what the Lord will do πŸ˜†πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ˜‚

14 thoughts on “Five Embarassing Things πŸ˜«πŸ˜«πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

  1. On point!!!! I like the farting part….release it! infact turn it into a competition but if your room starts smelling like korle Lagoon don’t blame

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