So there are FIVE TOPICS I want to write  on and I will list them below but this post is centered on just one.
§ Why women talk

§ Why women exaggerate

§ Why women seems to beat around the bush

§ Why women always want to talk about problems

§ Why women want to know all the little details.
This piece is on WHY WOMEN TALK         
I wrote this for the MALES mostly because I have come to realize that men really do not understand women and why they do the things they do and are not making quite an effort to search for literature that makes them understand(especially in our parts of the world). Information really makes the difference. Thing is God in His own infinite wisdom created women and men differently. Your ability to make an effort to understand the opposite sex (and I’m talking to both parties here) through research (audios, seminars, counseling, books etc..) is such an important thing to do if you want to be able to coexist peacefully with the opposite sex. E really need.

So, being the woman I am (they say I’m a feminist *shrugs), I want to explain a few things to you guys. Hopefully you can apply it in your relationship with any female at all in your life; be it your sister, mother, girlfriend or just friend. You might be doubtful about some of the things you are about to read but honey, it is what it is. You gotta learn! If you however do not believe the stuff you are about to read, confirm each point stated with the nearest female available.
Sit back, relax and enjoy
WHY WOMEN TALK SO MUCH (to us we don’t even talk so much)

This is probably the most difficult thing for a man to understand. Let me take us back to so many years ago (the days of hunting and gathering).Women evolved in a group situation. They were always with other women and children all staying close to the cave obviously taking care of home and waiting for the men who have gone on their hunting spree. The men however evolved silently sitting on a hill, searching for a moving target. They needed silence and concentration to be able to hunt for animals least they came back home to a woman who will talk and talk(what you call complain) about them coming home empty handed.
So here is the catch.

During times where women stayed close to the cave, they would constantly chatter as a means of bonding through sharing ideas, girltalks and just chattering (probably about nothing). Men on the other hand, during hunting or fishing never spoke to each other in fear of startling the prey.

Now, in the 21st century ,when a modern man goes hunting, he still doesn’t say much but when a woman goes gathering(perhaps shopping)they still constantly chatter. Look at the difference, a man usually would go hunting alone but it’s almost impossible to see one woman going gathering(say shopping). isn’t it interesting?
Also, scientifically, it has been proven that a woman’s brain is highly utilized in speech and language functions (reason why women generally are better at learning new languages).💅🏼💅🏼A female can effortlessly put out 6000-8000 spoken words a day whilst a man can only put out a maximum of 2000-4000(sometimes even less).This is probably why a woman’s capacity for talk causes a lot of problems for couples (this is so true). 
A man can exhaust his capacity mid day at work and a woman can come back home from work and still have about 5000 words to go.😂😂😂😂 Right! This is why a woman would want to talk about her day and a man just wants to have some peace and quiet after work.Why are we so different?Jeez!
Charley, there is just so much to learn about the opposite sex. 😩😩😩😩Most women are not bothered about men being unable to talk much. THEY JUST WANT TO TALK! Two women can spend all day together and still have enough to say on the phone when they finally part ways.💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼😂

Have you noticed that more men than women have certain speech problems? 🙊🙊😂its because of the fact that they possess a brain that is not strong in speech and language. Men have brains that are configured for solving problems and tend to come up with solutions all the time(sometimes,even when it really isn’t needed). They use their speech to most likely communicate facts and data. 

Most men will only speak when they have something to say and that usually is when they want to share facts ,data and solutions. This creates serious issues when talking with women because female talk is completely different.(Female talk is the best though)

To WOMEN, talking is used as a form of reward and to bond with another person. IF SHE LOVES YOU,SHE WILL TALK TO YOU;A LOT.IF SHE DOESN’T,SHE WON’T. 🤗🤗How is this not simple to understand?When a woman talks, she just wants to bond with you but men being the problem solvers think women are asking for their advice on stuff everytime they talk. NO! SHE JUST WANTS YOU TO LISTEN.JUST KEEP QUIET AND LISTEN! Don’t give her solutions.Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!

How many WOMEN feel like they are constantly being cut off? A lot. From a woman’s view, a man’s constant offers of solutions may make him appear as though he always wants to be right and that she is always wrong.😂😂

If a woman doesn’t agree to what a man is saying, or doesn’t love that man, she will STOP TALKING. This tactic doesn’t work on men. 😂😂😂😂MEN LOVE THE SILENCE. They feel blessed with the peace and quiet when you think you are punishing them. You are punishing yourself, sis. SECRET: 🙊if you really want to punish him, keep talking nonstop, and try to change the topics. He will feel punished (lol, don’t do that sis, don’t)

See, you guys really need to learn about females and stop acting like everything needs to be fixed. 😡😡😡Understand that the main purpose of women’s talk is to TALK. She just wants to feel better by talking about her day. Don’t try to offer any solutions. Just shhhhhh and listen. PLEASE, all you need to do is listen and encourage her. This one too you can’t do? Hoh!🙄🙄🙄

Sister, men don’t like to talk. The worse of all is when he won’t allow you talk either.😩😩😩 I understand you guys because I know how important it is for us to chatter.If you are having issues like this in your relationship, just set a time with your partner, where you tell him to just listen to you without suggesting anything..See, stop that silent treatment thing and don’t feel upset when he doesn’t talk to you. 😂Sometimes he isn’t even aware of the silence. if you have an issue with him, be direct about it.🤗

I will definitely try to write on the rest of the topics as soon as possible.🙊🙈🙈

Kindly share your thoughts under this post. It goes a long way to get me writing. ENJOY TODAY!😃❤️
LOVE, Akuvi.😘


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